When you encounter problems using Facebook, you need to contact Facebook for resolution. Below, we have compiled all the methods to reach Facebook.
The phone numbers for Facebook are Taipei 02-7743-0771, Hong Kong +852-3952-8340, or the USA (650)543-4800, (650)308-7300. You can call Facebook directly.
You can visit the Ministry of Economic Affairs Business Administration's website to find the registration information for Facebook.
You can also check the latest business status of Facebook on the Ministry of Finance's tax portal.
Unified Number: 24781069
Company Name: Taiwan Facebook Limited (TAIWAN FACEBOOK LIMITED)
Representative Name: Liang Youmei
Company Address: 35th Floor, No. 100 Songren Road, Xinyi District, Taipei City
According to the Ministry of Economic Affairs, the registered address of Facebook's Taiwan office is No. 100 Songren Road, Xinyi District, Taipei City. You can go directly to the 35th floor to inquire at the Facebook office.
If you are a business, you can find answers or contact the support team via the following link and use Messenger to quickly reach Facebook.
If you are an individual, Facebook currently only provides contact via web forms.